Lake Tiak-O'Khata Square Dance Festival
Louisville, Mississippi October 2006
Barbara and Grant demonstrate the flare and serpiente at the afternoon Round Dance workshop.
Square Dance workshop. The Friday night and Saturday night dances had six squares this year, up from five last year!
M.S.R.D.A. Treasurer and Vice-Pres in high-level discussion. Are they talking about the good food you find here?
The dance moves to beautiful Honeysuckle Hall for 2006, on the water. The dance is sponsored by the Oxford Squares - thanks! Both caller and cuers are from Memphis this year!
This year's caller Trent Keith and the VP.
Night Train and Axel F are on the request list!
Paul is the caller for the local group at Louisville, the Red Hills Steppers.
For those staying over Saturday night, the festival concludes with a Sunday morning devotional at 9:00 a.m.
Square 'em up!