Dance A Rama
National Singles Dance - Little Rock 2007
Not too crowded here, but Nashville promises to have a bigger floors for 2008.
You can check out up-coming Nationals. The 2007 National had 8000 dancers!
Getting ready for afternoon Round Dance Workshop in the Round Dance Room. Yes, that's Patti on the stage. We're in Arkansas you know! That's Alan on the left, who carried the Maryland sign for the Parade of States. We "M" states have to stick together you know!
We're in Little Rock! What's this about the Peabody? Don't those ducks walk in Memphis?
A submarine in Little Rock? The U.S.S. Razorback of WWII anchored a block or two from the Wyndham! Yes, that's it's real name, so Arkansas had to get it. They bought it from Turkey, where it had served after leaving the U.S. Navy.
This trolly costs a quarter and does a 30 min historical tour. It was a popular attraction, although some never stopped dancing! Here crossing the river to downtown. Dome of capital in background.
Riverboat tours were also enjoyed! You could walk to submarine, riverboat, or trolly car stop. That's if you could spare the time. Don't miss the dance! The Arkansas Singles did one fine job of on this dance! Remember Brenda and a car load from Arkansas Singles at the Sweetheart Festival in Jackson last year? You should have seen Brenda receiving an arm load of roses in appreciation!
Some took the Interstate route through Memphis, slighty longer from Jackson, but an easier drive than the delta. The Corvette is headed where? Toward Mississippi? Next year's Dance-A-Rama will be in Nashville - so get ready!