Dance - A - Rama 2008
38th National Singles Dance - Nashville, Tennessee Aug 28-31, 2008
Melodies and Memories
Hosted by the Tennessee Singles Square Dance Association
The Grand March following the Parade of States!
The Stampede to Nashville - don't get in the way!
Dancing in the Plus Hall. There are 627dancers registered! There were four halls - Plus Hall (main hall), Round Dance, Mainstream, and Advanced. Country band and DJ for afterparty. Worship Service Sunday morning in the Maintream Hall.
Callers: Tim Crawford - Canada, Tim Marriner - SC, Tim Tyl - TX, Joe Goins - TN, Tom Nickel - WI, Gary Kincade - TN, Wayne Mahathey - AL. Cuers: Pat & Joe Hilton - MO, Bill & Martha Buck - LA, Kathy & Tom Nickel - WI. Lines: Jeanette Bowen - TN.
The hotel was accommodating - it's nice to dance and stay in the same building!
Even the hotel reflects "This is Music City!"
The wide variety to choose from! How can you resist?